Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Since The O'Neill Controversy Is Over And Done With...

...I might as well take this time to plug other things.

On Friday night a few members of Nosedive Central and I went to go see Martin Scorsese's latest, The Departed. My short review: undeniably kick-ass; the best movie Scorsese's made since Goodfellas.

Seriously, go see it.

My Saturday was indeed spent at my day job (which sucked, since I really had nothing to do), followed by going over to Pete's apartment to watch Pete, Patrick and Steph experiment with making different types of fake blood for the upcoming Blood Brothers Present: An Evening of Grand Guignol Horror (which opens in less than a week and a half). Last night, Cat Johnson (who latexed me and Tai Verley up for The Adventures of Nervous Boy) worked on building a crucial prop for the segment in the show written by your truly.

(What, you may be asking, is this prop? I'm afraid to learn the answer to that question, you'll have to come and see for yourself. Nice try, though.)

Any doubts and wonders as to whether or not the guys and gals involved in this would be able to create what they needed to create have dissipated. This is going to be an incredible spectacle.

The Blood Brothers Present is playing at The 78th Street Theatre Lab Oct. 19-28 (Thursdays through Saturdays) at 8 p.m.

Running the same weekends as The Blood Brothers Present is theatre minima's debut production: a two-weekend run of In Public, a play about two married couples needing to keep their "public personas" on during a long weekend written by George Hunka and directed by Isaac Butler. Several past and present members of Nosedive Central are also involved in this play (including Blood Brothers co-creator and co-director Patrick and acting regular Brian Silliman).

In Public is playing at manhattantheatresource Oct. 18-28 (Wednesdays through Saturdays) at 8 p.m. I'll be attending the show on the second Wednesday (Oct. 25). Join me?

I suspect that those of you who are theatre-phobic or theatre-skeptic (and how many of you are there who read this? Judging from the emails I get I'm assuming at least a few) should check both shows out to see the radically wide spectrum of what the medium can offer. Seriously, the difference between these two shows isn't like the one between apples and oranges; it's more like the one between apples and jackals (or flamethrowers and oranges).

Using my flamethrower against those jackals,

James "Apple Of Your Eye" Comtois


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