Monday, December 18, 2006

Is It '07 Yet?

Many thanks to everyone who came out to deepest darkest East Williamsburg on Saturday night to watch me hurt myself for the sake of a cheap laugh at Nosedive's Holiday Party and Sideshow, to Stone Soup for making the Jell-O shots and to Ben VandenBoom for making a very spiffy-looking rough cut DVD of The Adventures of Nervous-Boy and a damn fine batch of spiked eggnog.

And thanks, Steph, for the cookies.

I'm off to New Hampshire for the holiday season on Thursday and will be posting very little from then until the end of the year. I haven't yet decided if I'll be posting my "Top Ten" before or after New Year's; I have a few more plays to see in the city this week before I head back to New England (yes, I'm in the city for three more days and I have three or four plays I'm supposed to see in this time), but it's highly (and I do mean highly) unlikely I'll be seeing any plays between Christmas and New Year's (Do people even stage plays in that week? I'm sure some do, but what's up with that?), so the list of plays I've seen in 2006 will be locked up by Wednesday (the final tally, by the way, will be in the low 40s).

At any rate, right now the top five entries of said list are pretty much locked; the second five are a little more fluid and will require some judicious thought and polishing.

Looking back, 2006 was a pretty damn good year for Nosedive, most of said goodness attributable to our production of Nervous-Boy. This is unlike 2005, our tumultuous fifth anniversary season. We're definitely excited for what 2007 brings, although most of Nosedive's plans for the upcoming year are still very much up in the air (we're pushing off taking Nervous-Boy to Edinburgh until 2008, definitely staging Suburban Peepshow, possibly restaging Christmas Carol and/or possibly staging a new Blood Brothers Present and/or a collection of one-acts).

Even if 2007 turns out to be as chaotic and draining as 2005 was for us (which truth be told is unlikely, since although Nosedive Productions is known for making mistakes, I'm proud to report that we rarely - if ever - make the same mistakes), I'm still looking forward to it.

Resolving to never in 2007 drink
orange juice after brushing his teeth,

James "In Pain" Comtois


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