Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What I've Been Up To (Hint: Nothing To Write Home About)

Sorry I've been so MIA in these pages. Oddly enough, it's not because there hasn't been much going on in Jimmy's Land of Theatrical Make-Believe; quite the opposite, in fact.

We here at Nosedive Central have been writing the sketches for Saturday night's Just Say Nosedive fundraiser show, which you should all attend. It'll be fun and funny. (Seriously, folks. It's only $20 to drink all you can drink all night long. And there'll be some comedy sketches thrown into the mix as well. Just keep drinking until we're funny.)

Pete and I are also holding the final auditions this week for two open roles in Suburban Peepshow. I believe we have a decent pool from which to choose, so I'm confident we'll remain on schedule.

I've also been handing off my comp copies of Plays and Playwrights 2007 to the cast and crew of The Adventures of Nervous-Boy.

Last night I saw Gutenberg: The Musical! at the Actor's Playhouse, about which I'll be writing early next week.

And that's really what’s happening over at my end of the barnyard. I suppose after we cast Peepshow and Just Say Nosedive is over and done with I'll be able to return to my regular blogging schedule.

Enjoying Ash Wednesday,

James "The Lent Machine" Comtois

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