Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random News Roundup

Unrelated to anything in particular, I just noticed that my previous post on Universal Robots (posted on Friday the 13th, no less) was entry number 666. I just thought you'd all like to know that.

Now that I've spent my three-day weekend downloading various pictures of women in various states of undress for my own edification - yes, my nickname for my penis is "edification" - I'm gearing up with the rest of the folks from Nosedive Central for the Soul Samurai Nosedive Night this Thursday. If anyone's still interested in coming to see the Thursday, February 19th show, send me an email.

I for one absolutely can't wait to see Vampire Cowboys' latest. But alas, it looks like I will have to wait another two days, so in the meantime, I'll continue to download more nudie pics from the glorious, glorious 'net.

I also just signed and faxed over the release agreement to the Chicago-based theatre company Gorilla Tango Theatre for their scheduled production of The Adventures of Nervous-Boy this summer. I'm interested to see how they plan to stage my bizarre little screed for the stage/on-paper meltdown. Heck, it gives me a good excuse to re-visit the Windy City, as I haven't been there in nine years. Is the pizza still good?

All about pizza and boobs,

James "Your Ideal Date" Comtois

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Blogger Adam Szymkowicz said...

congrats! let me know when you're there.

11:20 AM  
Blogger macrogers said...

Hey - congratulations on the new NERVOUS-BOY production!

7:00 AM  

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