The Little One: Over and Done

Well, The Little One has closed and has gone up to that Great Production in the Sky. [Insert single tear here.] It's hard to believe the month came and went: it seems as though this run simply flew by. We got a really nice response to this show, and we're all pretty damn happy with it and sorry to see it go.
I wanted to just once again thank everyone who worked on this, came out to see it, and donated to make this production possible. Thanks, guys. You're all awesome.
Now onto the next show...
Onwards and fartwards,
James "Mop Man" Comtois
"The Little One has plenty of action, suspense, and more than a little stage blood. More profound and more philosophical than you ever expect 'genre theatre' to be. A compelling new work."
—Martin Denton,
"There’s much to like in this offering from Nosedive Productions, directed by Pete Boisvert. Comtois enjoyably experiments with time throughout, skipping ahead 350 years after intermission. Byers likewise does well, ably showing Cynthia’s evolution from scared child to surly teenager before her final emergence as a strong, competent, if not vengeful, vampire."
—Amanda Mastrull, The Village Voice
"Comtois at his inventive best. Like a bloodier Tuck Everlasting. The Little One leaves audiences with more than enough to sink their teeth into."
—Aaron Riccio, That Sounds Cool
"The Little One has a lot to offer lovers of vampire stories and fans of fantasy and horror. Ms. Byers’ performance is one that shouldn’t be missed. Great Geek Theater."
—Teresa Jusino, Pink Raygun
"Years from now, people will be lining up to see ANY production of this piece just to say, 'Yes! I totally stood in line three hours to get tickets.'"
—Janelle Lannan, Theatre Is Easy
"The Little One is good antidote to the vampire-lite version that is currently gracing local movie theatres. Featuring blood, humor and plenty of death, The Little One is a nice addition to the vampire canon."
—Byrne Harrison, Stagebuzz
"An enjoyable show with a distinct point of view and some excellent scenes—an interesting addition to the vampire canon."
—John Sobel, Blogcritics
"A fresh and original take on the usual vampire story...a wholly convincing alternative to the usual vampire rules."
—Mark Peikert, Backstage
"This two-hour show ends too soon, like a good book that you wanted to keep reading. Beautifully incarnated by the entire bloodthirsty cast, The Little One is a play that kidnaps you from modern day East Village reality and drops you into the vampire’s den with total immersion."
—Lina Zeldovich, The Happiest Medium
Labels: Nosedive Productions, The Little One, theatre
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