Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How This Week Seems To Be Shaping Up

Our first reading of the scripts for The Blood Brothers Present...The New Guignol went quite well last night, with many people in the room making audible noises of unease and disgust. The cast and crew definitely have their work cut out for them with this lineup of shows by Mr. Danny Bowes, Mr. Mac Rogers and Yours Truly. It's definitely going to be an evening chock-full of gore, nudie-time, viscera and overall stomach-turning horror. I can't wait.

I've selected the horror films that I plan to write about during October, and have put them all on the top of my Netflix queue for re-watching. I've seen the movies on the list (which I won't yet divulge) a number of times, but it's always good to sneak in another viewing with fresh eyes before publicly nattering on about them for 1,000 words or so. Plus, it's October, and I like watching horror films, so, 'tis the season, and all that noise.

This upcoming weekend, while the rest of the gang rehearses for the new Blood Brothers show, a smaller yet no less intrepid band of theatricians (that's a real word, right?) begins rehearsals for Episode Two of Entrenched for the Saturday Night Saloon.

And that seems to be how this week is shaping up for me. I'll offer more blatherings later.

Tearing Tommy Wiseau apart,

James "Lisa" Comtois

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Blogger joshcon80 said...

You haven't covered any of what I call "fashion horrors". They'r enot always the best (except for Rosemary's Baby, which IS the best) but I love them. What can I say? I'm a horror fan and a big fag.

Rosemary's Baby
Stage Fright
The Eyes of Laura Mars
The Tenement
The Sentinnel

I'm sure there must be more.

6:51 PM  

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