Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Episode Two of Entrenched

After the awesomeness that was the Saturday Night Saloon, I spent the bulk of the three-day weekend working on Episode 4 of Entrenched, which means I was unable to write-up the next horror film entry on my list.

Although I may be able to finish and post it later today, since I actually have real day job work to do, it's more likely the next horror entry will be posted tomorrow or Wednesday.

With the rough of the penultimate episode written and sent off to the cast & crew, I realize that this may be the one serial I've written for the Saloon that would most benefit from being rewritten as a full-length. While writing the fourth episode, there was more than one occasion when I'd think that five 10-15 minute episodes aren't nearly enough. I'm finding myself truncating a lot to convey the story coherently in five short episodes, cutting huge chunks of dialogue and streamlining many subplots I no longer have any time/room for.

Perhaps after I finish revisions to The Little One and write the final episode for the serial of Entrenched, I'll go back and rework the story as a 120-minute full-length script. It would most likely be a completely different structure and format, not just connecting the five episodes as one long piece.

Though, in the meantime, here's the video for the second episode of Entrenched for your viewing pleasure:

Entrenched: Epsiode 2 from Pete Boisvert on Vimeo.

Entrenched: Episode Two
By James Comtois
Directed by Adam Swiderski

Featuring Peter Brown, Bryan Enk & Ben VandenBoom

Video by Pete Boisvert

I'll get that horror film entry posted for you soon, folks. Until then, enjoy the video, and buy your tickets for Blood Brothers.

Scrambling to write that next horror film entry,

James "Tawdry Tard" Comtois

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